Mliswa says Parliament procurement must be audited from 2013 following laptop scandal- Hwende claims Speaker was involved

Mliswa says Parliament procurement must be audited from 2013 following laptop scandal- Hwende claims Speaker was involved

The recent allegations of laptops being bought over US$9.000 bring one thing in question.  From all the procurements which have been done, how much has been the inflated price?  It is pretty clear there was no argument from the statement of the Clerk in terms of inflated price.  We need to undertake a forensic audit on the procurement of all what we have done since 2013 when I joined Parliament to date.  Clearly, it is an issue which we trust Administration but they have been exposed.  As a result, our role is to ensure that taxpayers’ money is for value.  In fact, what they call it is value for money even in terms of the Procurement Act, you must have a budget for what you are buying.  For your Procurement Act, you must have a procurement plan.  So the budget for US$9 000 – where did it come from; we passed the budget?  Did they have a procurement plan?  The SPOCS is chaired by the Attorney General who must sign minutes of all this.  Was this done?  Fortunately and we thank you, you have taught us to read and understand and you can see I am a bit familiar with PRAZ and I am sure you are impressed that one of your own Members remembers.  So what you have taught us, we see it being violated, yet we pass the laws here.

So we have to be prudent in whatever we do because any small thing that happens, this institution is reduced to nothing but a corrupt institution.  I therefore with your indulgence, suggest that a forensic audit for all procurements be done from 2013.  I say so and I was in Parliament because I do not want to be labeled as one person who saw this happening and never did anything about it.  I cannot talk about the time I was not here.  I have to cover my years to date on all the procurements done.  I know that they will be appearing before the Public Accounts Committee but that forensic audit is quite critical so that your reputation and our reputation remain intact.  After Parliament, we are people.  We must have a credible social standing.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  You are now debating Hon. Mliswa.

HON. T. MLISWA:  I therefore indulge you Mr. Speaker Sir for that issue to be cleared and that administration – who are seen wanting must be able to respond to those issues and also not pick what they can pick on PRAZ and leave out certain things.  Was there a budget of 9 000 passed by this House in terms of Parliament budget?  If so, we would like to know.  If it was not passed, why would they even entertain anything over what has been budgeted?  I thank you Mr. Speaker Sir.

THE HON. SPEAKER:  Thank you for that Hon. Mliswa.  You must be very careful also with your words.  The Audit Act, sections 9 to 12 speak about how audits should be done.  A forensic audit is a particular audit on a particular issue.  It cannot be a forensic audit over a period of x number of years. 

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