Midlands down to 3 coronavirus cases, Matebeleland North 5

Midlands down to 3 coronavirus cases, Matebeleland North 5

The Midlands, where the Delta coronavirus variant was first reported becoming one of the country’s hotspots in June and July, now has only three coronavirus cases after 35 people recovered yesterday.

Matebeleland North had the highest number of recoveries at 51. It now has only five active cases.

Zimbabwe yesterday recorded 37 new cases and four deaths while 135 people recovered. Active cases are down to 582.

Manicaland has 172 cases, followed by Masvingo with 135 and Mashonaland East 104.

Bulawayo is down to 40 and Harare to 23.

Just over 12 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 6 378 getting the first jab and 6 193 the second.



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