MDC-T to field Chamisa as its presidential candidate

A consultative meeting of the Movement for Democratic Change that was led by Morgan Tsvangirai yesterday decided to field Nelson Chamisa as its presidential candidate for the forthcoming elections but said this should be endorsed by the party national council.

According to the Voice of America 641 delegates attended the meeting including one of his rivals vice-president Elias Mudzuri.

The other vice-president, Thokozani Khupe, who insists that she is the legitimate acting president, did not attend the meeting.

The national council is expected to meet next week.

Khupe insists that an extra-ordinary congress should be held to decide the issue but Chamisa argues that there is no time for this.

Chamisa said yesterday Khupe had not attended party meetings for the past eight months so she does not understand the direction that the party is taking.

Yesterday’s meeting also decided that Chamisa should be acting president until next year.

It is not clear how the decision by the MDC-T to field Chamisa will impact on the MDC Alliance which brings together seven opposition parties.

The Alliance had endorsed Tsvangirai as their presidential candidate.



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