MDC says it will not be intimidated by threats from Mathema

MDC says it will not be intimidated by threats from Mathema

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change says it will not be intimidated by threats from Home Affairs Minister Cain Mathema to clamp down on demonstrations as it is not planning any insurgency but wants to hold peacefully demonstrations which is permissible under the national constitution.

Mathema appealed to Zimbabweans to observe peace and shun all forms violence and demonstrations which are meant to cause disharmony in the country.

“We are aware that there are some political leaders and civil organisations that are agitating for the unseating of the constitutionally elected Government of Zimbabwe through demonstrations,” he said.

“The government is also fully aware that some elements want to register their displeasure on the recently announced economic austerity measures and whip up public emotion to aid their selfish political expediency.

“May I, therefore, reiterate that the government has put the necessary security measures in place to ensure that law and order is maintained and anyone who is found inciting violence, intimidating people going about their business, advocating for illegal gatherings and influencing civil servants to go on strike, will certainly face the full wrath of the law.

“Law enforcement agencies will not hesitate to hold convenors of illegal gatherings or demonstrations responsible for any ensuing disturbances which include violence and destruction of property in the country, particularly in the central business district.

“While government is seized with the matter of normalising the economic situation as promised by His Excellency, Cde E.D. Mnangagwa, my ministry urges all progressive Zimbabweans to shun illegal activities and continue observing peace in the country.”

The MDC said it was unfortunate that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front wanted to close the democratic space in the country by blocking attempts by the MDC and its supporters to exercise the democratic rights.

“As a matter of fact, the MDC is not and will not plan any insurgence but will continue to encourage Zimbabweans to exercise the right to demonstrate peacefully in line with section 59 of the Constitution. No one can take away this right,’ The MDC said.

“The guilty are afraid, when you steal an election and fail to deliver, you create problems for yourself and start pointing fingers at the victim. This is why president Chamisa in his five point plan highlights the need to address the legitimacy issues arresting our country. Instead of pointing fingers, ZANU-PF ought to take this advice.”

Continued next page



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