MDC calls on Energy Minister Joram Gumbo to resign

MDC calls on Energy Minister Joram Gumbo to resign

The Movement for Democratic Change says Energy Minister Joram Gumbo must resign with immediate effect because of his corrupt activities which are costing the taxpayer.

In a statement, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party said Gumbo’s name had cropped up in various scandals including the one involving his company called JMCD which was reportedly awarded a contract to supply clothing to the Zimbabwe Roads Authority a parastatal that fell under the Ministry of Transport which he was minister of at the time.

The MDC said Gumbo was also involved in the Air Zimbabwe/ Zimbabwe Airways scandal where he was at the centre of assisting elites to build a private empire on public funds highlighting his propensity to abuse state resources.

Another scandals in which Gumbo was allegedly involved, the MDC said, was the Beitbridge- Harare dualisation project which has failed to take off despite former President Robert Mugabe officially commissioning the project.

“He is therefore unfit to hold office and must make way for persons of integrity to occupy the important space,” the MDC said.

“In any case he is incompetent, his views on how to deal with fuel shortages confirm his short-comings”, it said.

“It is clear that Gumbo is corrupt, for the people of Zimbabwe who are suffering and for the MDC which intends to cure this country of corruption he is an enemy beyond reconciliation.

“We therefore demand that he leaves office forthwith and be subjected to the justice delivery processes, proceeds of undue benefit must be forfeited to the state.”

Full statement

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Joram Gumbo must leave office and face justice

The man at the centre of the jerry can madness is actually worse than revealed by his opinions on fuel containers. While his expressions on jerry cans were reflective of his unfitness to hold public office and his mediocrity, the MDC takes the revelation of his corrupt nature more seriously.

Corruption places a huge premium on the economy, it deprives the state of much needed funds to finance its social agenda, deliver public goods and create a caring state.

The MDC is clear that corrupt individuals must not be allowed to run public affairs. Yet Joram Gumbo and his wife own a company called JMCD which was awarded a lucrative contract to supply clothing material to ZINARA a state owned parastatal established through an Act of Parliament.

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