Manicaland and Mashonaland West now account for 52% of active coronavirus cases

Manicaland and Mashonaland West now account for 52% of active coronavirus cases

Manicaland and Mashonaland West now account for 1 820 of the 3 476 active coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe as the country continues to make progress in controlling the pandemic.

There were 125 new cases and four deaths yesterday while 237 people, recovered, 135 of them from Manicaland which now has 914 active cases.

Mashonaland West has 906 cases while Harare is down to 318 and Bulawayo to 189.

Nearly 49 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 23 121 getting the first jab and 25 823 the second and final dose.

More than 31 in every 100 Zimbabweans have now been vaccinated with 12.1% of the population now fully vaccinated.

Zimbabwe intends to vaccinate 10 million people to attain herd immunity.

Deputy Health Minister John Mangwiro told Parliament on Wednesday that he will be issuing figures regularly on how many people have been fully vaccinated until the country attains herd immunity.

He, however, said while every Zimbabwean should be vaccinated for the protection of others, vaccination was not a guarantee that a person would not die.



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