Leadership has nothing to do with education- Tsvangirai

“I don’t know whether you can put education into politics because if that were the yardstick, then we (Zimbabwe) would be the best led country in the world, with the best run economy, the best run government, and the most respectable government because Mugabe has seven degrees, so it is not a basis,”  Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said 12 years ago just before the formation of the Movement for Democratic Change when it became apparent that he would become leader of the country’s biggest opposition party.

“Leadership has nothing to do with education. Otherwise people like Hitler would not have led Germany with his standard two. Roy Welensky would not have led the (Central African) Federation (of Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) with his standard four. People like Chaka and Lobengula would not have been leaders.”

Read more from the interview we had with him then.



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