Jonathan Moyo says nobody trusts Mnangagwa, even his wife

Jonathan Moyo, who only last week came to the defence of President Emmerson Mnangagwa when National Patriotic Front spokesman Jealousy Mawarire said he was a Zambian and not Zimbabwean, today said no one trusts Mnangagwa, even his wife.

This was after Moyo posted the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front circular on the launch of its manifesto and campaign and chided that this was junta chaos and a Colly Colbert commented: “It was strategic Jonso”.

“Strategic, my foot. In politics, your word is your currency,” Moyo responded. “That's why nobody trusts Mnangagwa in #JuntaPF. I mean nobody. Even his wife does not trust him, moreover I doubt that he trusts himself! #Handeitione.”

Tinashe Vuso, however, defended Mnangagwa saying: “Because he is a strategist he is the President and you are stuck in a hole somewhere very far away from home you talk too much and think talking too much is strategy yet it exposes your weaknesses.”

Moyo responded: “He was politically defeated; ran away from genocidal & corruption skeletons in his wardrobe; came back only as Chiwenga's hired coup-president for seven months & now he's past his sell by date because he's unelectable; he cannot possibly win a presidential election; never ever!”

Mnangagwa has largely ignored Moyo’s taunts as well as calls by Nelson Chamisa, leader of one of the factions of the Movement for Democratic Change, for a one-on-one television debate.




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