Jonathan Moyo, Grace Mugabe and Mnangagwa

At her last youth interface rally in Bulawayo, former first lady Grace Mugabe gave the impression that she was a better business person than Emmerson Mnangagwa, who she described as a factionalist who only wanted to divide the party.

After defending Jonathan Moyo to the hilt despite being booed, she said was discussing with youth leader Kudzai Chipanga that she should teach Zimbabwe’s youths to be business minded and make money.

She said when she inherited the women’s wing it only had $49 in its coffers. She had boosted this to $200 000 and was now aiming to clock one million. She never got the chance.

Now Jonathan Moyo is telling the world that Mnangagwa is the richest man in Zimbabwe, richer than Econet boss Strive Masiyiwa whose net worth was put at $1.7 billion by Forbes magazine.

Of course, according to Jonathan Moyo, Mnangagwa is not a businessman. He is a looter.

But, it appears people are not buying Moyo’s story.

Moyo, whose interview by the South African Broadcasting Corporation was aired yesterday, said he was not a looter. He did not abuse the Zimbabwe Manpower Development Fund as alleged.

He used $200 000 for the ministry’s exhibit at the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, $100 000 went to his constituency Tsholotsho and the balance was used for “legitimate ZANU-PF business”.

One thought that the money was for manpower development not the party because ZANU-PF and the MDC-T already get government funds through the Political Finance Act.

The question that remains unanswered is: How many other government ministries were siphoning government money to give to the party?

Homework for Mildred Chiri.




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