Mnangagwa says no witch-hunt for those responsible for Bulawayo explosion- elections going ahead

Mnangagwa says no witch-hunt for those responsible for Bulawayo explosion- elections going ahead

President Emmerson Mnangagwa says there will be no witch-hunt for those involved in yesterday’s explosion which injured 41 people including his top lieutenants.

His spokesman George Charamba said Mnangagwa “will not be driven by vengefulness or a spirit of retribution”.

“Until the investigators pronounce themselves and present the evidence for arrest and prosecution, no one should ascribe motive or blame,” he said.

According to the Sunday Mail, Charamba said elections will go ahead as scheduled.

“As for the elections being postponed, a State of Emergency being declared, or a ‘transitional authority’ being formed, rest assured that the electoral programme proceeds as scheduled…

“Let there be no mistake about this; inasmuch as ZEC (the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission) will proceed, so will the administration ya vaMnangagwa proceed with its work programme and economic revival agenda.

“Government continues to function. If anything, the administration is even more emboldened to deliver on its pledges to the people of Zimbabwe in the face of such acts,” he said.

The explosion occurred as Mnangagwa and his team were leaving the stage soon after the rally at White City Stadium in Bulawayo.

Mnangagwa had promised the people that he would be bringing about devolution under which Bulawayo will once again become the industrial hub of the country.

“Remember that when the explosion occurred, it came as the President finished addressing thousands and thousands of people in Bulawayo; people who showed they are in sync with his message to revive industry, not just in Bulawayo, but across Zimbabwe,” Charamba said.

“Should that stop? Should everything grind to a halt because of retrogressive elements? The economic agenda is going ahead and the elections are going ahead.”



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