Is Jonathan Moyo the original Herald’s Manheru?


101-Jonathan Moyo says Pius Ncube is busy preaching tribalism

102-Mugabe puts US on the defensive

103-Media reaction to George Bush’s visit to Africa

104-Herald says MDC antics are childish and laughable

105-Mugabe succession elusive

106-Jonathan Moyo says people are tired of MDC lies and hallucinations

107-Why Mugabe did not want to talk to Tsvangirai

108-Jonathan Moyo blasts US over Studio 7

109-Daily News group sues Jonathan Moyo for $58 million

110-Gandi Mudzingwa says the MDC does not have anybody beyond Tsvangirai

111-Jonathan Moyo sends NGOs panicking

112-Government closes Daily News

113-Editor says Jonathan Moyo acting on Mugabe’s instructions

114-Jonathan Moyo threatens to shut down Studio 7

115-Supreme Court clips Jonathan Moyo’s wings

116-SA ambassador says Mugabe told Annan he was ready to step down

117-Editors fall for Studio 7

118-Gono turning a blind eye on cheating exporters

119-Mugabe joins Jonathan Moyo and Made in blame game

120-MDC presidential election challenge hearing starts

Continued next page


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Charles Rukuni
The Insider is a political and business bulletin about Zimbabwe, edited by Charles Rukuni. Founded in 1990, it was a printed 12-page subscription only newsletter until 2003 when Zimbabwe's hyper-inflation made it impossible to continue printing.


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