Is it mere coincidence that Sikhala is released soon after Chamisa quits CCC?

Is it mere coincidence that Sikhala is released soon after Chamisa quits CCC?

There is a saying that if an old lady disappears and a hyena shits grey hair, what do you think happened to the old lady?
The same could be asked:Why was Job Sikhala literally freed, only days after Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa announced that he was quitting the party?
The simple answer would be:mission accomplished.
Chamisa stepped down from CCC last week but did not indicate whether he was forming a new party or was letting someone take over leadership of the party.

Sikhala who had been on remand for 595 days was sentenced two two years in jail for inciting violence but this was wholly suspended because he had already served enough jail time while on remand.

But then the coincidence was just too much, especially since there were whispers that Chamisa had struck a deal with Mnangagwa to throw away the elections but Sikhala was the stumbling block.




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