Is confusion already reigning in the MDC?

Is confusion already reigning in the MDC?

Confusion already seems to be reigning in the Movement for Democratic Change with the organisation issuing two contradictory statements yesterday after its leader Nelson Chamisa lost his election challenge case at the Constitutional Court.

Chamisa challenged Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa’s victory but lost the case with costs.

In the initial statement signed by Luke Tamborinyoka as the communications director, the party and the Alliance said it respected the verdict of the court but added a qualifier that it believed more the verdict of the people who overwhelmingly voted for Chamisa.

In the second statement which was issued by MDC Communications the Alliance rejected the “captured decision of the Constitutional Court to endorse a patently sham election and to entrench an illegitimate regime that used brazen subterfuge and brutal violence to steal the people’s vote”.

It also said Chamisa had won the elections with 2.6 million votes.

Initially Chamisa wanted to be declared the winner but in court he only sought to have the election nullified claiming that Mnangagwa had not won the required majority to be declared an outright winner.

The two statements were issued nearly four hours apart.

The Constitutional Court decision was final and is not appealable.

Below are the two statements in full starting with the second one:

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