Has MDC softened on conditions for dialogue?

Has MDC softened on conditions for dialogue?

The Movement for Democratic Change, which has all along insisted that it will only join talks if there in an external convener, seems to have softened its stance saying it now wants “ a mutually agreed convener”.

In a statement issued after a seven-hour meeting of the party’s national executive, the MDC said the party reiterated its commitment to a sincere, honest and credible dialogue process.

“The dialogue must unlock the impediments that have stood in the way of credible, free and plebiscites. As such, any honest and credible dialogue process, under a mutually agreed convener, must focus on a comprehensive reform agenda to ensure the security and freedoms of citizens as well as ensuring a free, fair and credible election that must yield a people’s government,” it said.

The MDC has also insisted in the question of legitimacy and has demanded an one-on-one meeting between is leader Nelson Chamisa and Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leader Emmerson Mnangagwa.

ZANU-PF insists that the MDC must join other parties in the dialogue under the Political Actors Dialogue and must recognize Mnangagwa as the country’s President.

Below is the full statement by the MDC.

MDC leadership meets, charts way forward on key national issues

The MDC national executive met today for seven hours and spent the better part of the meeting deliberating on the deteriorating situation in the country, particularly the worsening plight of the ordinary citizens. The executive, a key organ of the party, discussed and charted the way forward on the following key national issues.

  1. The national situation

The national executive deliberated on the deteriorating political, economic and social situation in the country. In particular, the executive noted the rising cost of basic commodities as well as the slow genocide in the country’s hospitals, where the illegitimate regime has fired yet another batch of doctors for raising legitimate concerns about their wages and working conditions. They haven also raised issues about lack of medicines and other medical consumables to enable them to save lives.

  1. Food insecurity

About 8,5 million people in the country are food insecure and the party noted with serious concern that the illegitimate regime had begun politicizing food in the rural areas. The party resolved to do all within its remit to stop the abuse of a key livelihood issue such as food.

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