Gutu says Chamisa is hallucinating

Gutu says Chamisa is hallucinating

The vice-president of the Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai says his main rival Nelson Chamisa, president of the MDC-Alliance is hallucinating because Zimbabwe has one President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Obert Gutu, whose MDC-T forced Chamisa to rename his party the MDC after contesting the elections as MDC-Alliance, said there was no crisis of political legitimacy in Zimbabwe.

He said this after the MDC, London Branch, had quoted Chamisa as saying that Zimbabwe has two presidents.

“We have two Presidents, one who came from the people and the other who came from the courts,” the branch quoted MDC leader Chamisa as saying.

Chamisa lost last year’s elections to Mnangagwa but lost the case when he went to court.

He, however, insists that he won last year’s presidential elections as has put the issue of legitimacy at the forefront of any negotiations with Mnangagwa.

Gutu who was the MDC-T spokesman when the founding leader Morgan Tsvangirai was at the helm, broke away from Chamisa with Thokozani Khupe after Chamisa grabbed the party leadership hours after Tsvangirai’s death and went away with the MDC-T name.

In what appears to be a response to the tweet from the London branch Gutu tweeted: “There’s NO crisis of political legitimacy in Zimbabwe. There’s a socio-economic crisis but the entire civilised global community knows that the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe is HE ED Mnangagwa. Anything contrary to this is rank madness, morbid political hallucination.”




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