Former AU ambassador to USA tells Wasington to stay out of African politics

Former AU ambassador to USA tells Wasington to stay out of African politics

Former African Union permanent representative to the United States Arikana Chihombori-Quao has told Washington to stay out of African politics if it wants to win African countries to its side.

She said this in an interview with Al Jazeera following a spate of coups in Africa, seven in the past few years.

She said the United States should stop meddling in local politics and let the ruling and opposition parties in Africa fight it out on their own.

“Stay away from the local politics. You do not need to get involved. Let these African countries dog it all out, one child to the other,” she said. 

“I like to say, opposition parties, ruling parties they are children of the same mother, fighting for their breast milk. Let them fight for their mother’s breast milk alone without interference.”

Zimbabwe held its elections last month and a number of US-funded non-gopvernmental organisations have dismissed the elections as flawed.


Full interview



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