Forget about economic recovery unless Zimbabwe holds free and fair elections- Cross

The only way out of this cage is a free and fair election. What I would ask the Minister to do is to scrutinise the legislation that is in front of this House today. We will support it as the opposition but we will ask for changes, he needs to understand that on its own, this is not going to deliver a free and fair election. Time is running out and I believe that the election will be on the 17th August, 2018. It is not that I am a n’anga and I can see into the future, that is one weekend after the heroes day and it is three days or four days before the deadline runs out  and that is six months from now. We have got a lot of work to do in order to ensure that in 2018, the people of Zimbabwe are given a chance to elect the people that they want to lead them into the future. I believe that for the first time…

Hon. Tshuma and Hon. Mliswa having been talking

THE HON. SPEAKER: Order, Hon. Tshuma and Hon. Mliswa, can you listen?

HON. CROSS: I believe that for the first time, nearly two thirds of the voters roll is going to be under 35 years of age. This is going to be a young person’s election. What I hope Mr. Speaker Sir, is that those young people who put their faith in democracy by registering to vote, will in fact be rewarded by being given an opportunity to vote in a free and fair election.

I just want to say to my colleagues, that if we fail to deliver a free and fair election, the consequences for us as a nation are going to be severe because the international community will react with anger. They have the started to put their trust in our new Government and I believe that trust is justified because I know the man who is making those undertakings. If we as a nation fail to deliver these undertakings to our people, I fear for the future for every young person in Zimbabwe. Thank you Mr. Speaker.



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