Mwonzora says Mnangagwa is not interested in electoral reforms

Movement for Democratic Change secretary-general Douglas Mwonzora today said after meeting Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi yesterday it is now evident that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front is not interested in any meaningful electoral reforms.

“We have no choice but to push for these reforms,” he said.

The MDC-T yesterday met the Southern African Development Community Electoral Advisory Commission and told the team that Zimbabwe was not likely to have free, fair and credible elections because President Emmerson Mnangagwa was dragging his feet on essential electoral reforms.

The opposition wants to know who is printing the ballot papers and also wants media reforms so that the state-controlled media gives equal coverage to all participating parties.

MDC-T leader Nelson Chamisa has threatened to boycott the elections if the government does not implement the necessary reforms to level the playing field.

Legislator James Maridadi said Mnangagwa will have to comply as he is the one who needs legitimacy which he can only get if he holds credible elections.

Mnangagwa has promised free and fair elections as this is the only way Zimbabwe can get back into the international community.

He has also said the elections will be open to international, continental and regional observers.

The opposition and political watchers are afraid that the international community might gloss over some of the critical issues because they are excited that Mnangagwa got rid of Robert Mugabe who was a thorn in their fresh for more than two decades.

Mugabe was at one time the darling of the West and was even awarded 18 honorary degrees and was knighted by the Queen of England.

Mnangagwa has not yet set the date for elections but they should be held between 21 July and 21 August.

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission says 107 parties have registered to participate in the polls but it is not clear whether they will all participate.

Two of the parties have gone to court to stop Mnangagwa from proclaiming the date for the elections until the Political Finances Act is amended so that every party can get funding from the government.

At the moment only parties that won more than 5 percent of the vote in the last elections are entitled to funding.



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