Elections are a one-day event, let’s focus on business – Mutsvangwa

Elections are a one-day event, let’s focus on business – Mutsvangwa

Elections are a one-day event which comes and goes but the country has to move ahead after that, so it is important to focus on bringing business to the country to secure a better and more prosperous future for its people.

This was said by Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa at a ministerial dinner in Johannesburg last week.

According to the Sunday Mail, Mutsvangwa said while all the attention on Zimbabwe was currently focussed on elections scheduled for 23 August, it was important to look beyond the elections as these were a one day event.

“While the focus is on the politics of our country, elections are a one-day event that will come and go, but we will still have a country beyond that day. It is, therefore, imperative that we focus on opening our country and our economy to investors so that we secure a better, more prosperous future for all our people,” she said.

Mutsvangwa said under President Emmerson Mnangagwa Zimbabwe was aiming to be the safest destination for capital in Africa.

“Our geospatial advantage makes us a strategic nerve centre for SADC trade and commerce, which directly feeds into the aspirations of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),” she said.

“The resilience of our economy is attested by our robust sanctions-busting strategies.

“Zimbabwe is making strides in improving its regulatory and general business environment in a quest to attract both domestic and foreign investment, and is also targeting to become the safest destination for capital injection on the African continent.

“Foreign investors are allowed to own 100 percent shareholding for mining operations in all minerals.” 



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