Diaspora to raise US$120 000 to buy Chamisa bulletproof car

Diaspora to raise US$120 000 to buy Chamisa bulletproof car

The diaspora community is raising US$120 000 to buy a bulletproof car for Movement for Democratic Change Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa ahead of the 2023 elections.

The money is being raised through the crowdsourcing platform GoFundMe and was started by United States-based T. Basvi who says he is popularly known as Mudhara B.

So far 119 people have donated US$4 691.

Basvi says he decided to raise the money to buy Chamisa “an amour plated vehicle as well as security apparel for his safety and security” following an attack on his convoy on Monday during a visit to Masvingo.

The MDC Alliance has blamed the attack on ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front hooligans but ZANU-PF national commissar Patrick Chinamasa brushed this off as a publicity stunt meant to divert attention from President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s forthcoming visit to the United Kingdom as well as a visit to Zimbabwe by a United Nations team to assess the impact of sanctions on the country.



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