Coronavirus in Zimbabwe now under control

Coronavirus in Zimbabwe now under control

Zimbabwe is increasingly getting the coronavirus pandemic, which has so far killed 4 699 people in the country, under control with only 36 new cases and no death being recorded yesterday.

A total of 3 925 people were tested representing a positivity rate of less than 1%. The World Health Organization says that the coronavirus pandemic, which is out of control, is signified by a positive rate of more than 5%.  Anything below 5% is a well-controlled pandemic.

Half of the 36 cases recorded yesterday were at schools.

Only eight people recovered, however, resulting in the number of active cases rising to 515.

Three provinces have more 100 cases each with Matebeleland South at 110, Manicaland 108 and Masvingo 104.

Vaccination also picked up for the third day running with more than 42 000 people getting the jab, 35 456 the first dose and 7 117 the second.

A total of 120 148 doses have been dispensed in the past three days compared with144 253 for the week ending 15 November and 114 873, the week before that.



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