Coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continue to spiral, now at 2 843

Coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continue to spiral, now at 2 843

New coronavirus cases in Zimbabwe continued to spiral with 1 042 cases being detected yesterday raising the number of active cases to 2 843, up from 505 last Friday.

Harare and Bulawayo have become the hotspots with 377 cases in Harare yesterday and 158 in Bulawayo. Harare now has 835 active cases and Bulawayo 296. Manicaland is in second spot with 495 and Masvingo follows closely behind with 341.

The positivity rate yesterday was 12.6%. The World Health Organisation considers the pandemic to be under control when the positivity rate is 5% and below.

Zimbabwe extended its Level 2 lockdown on Tuesday but said that all those coming into the country will be subject to a 10-day regardless of their status.

One of the reasons could that those coming into the country were presenting fake covid-19 certificates.

Vaccination also seems to be picking up with more than 41 000 getting the jab yesterday 20 588 the first dose and 21 083 the second.



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