China and US now account for half the world’s household wealth

China and US now account for half the world’s household wealth

China and the United States now account for half of the world’s household wealth with the United States at 31.5% and China at 18.4%.

According to Visual Capitalist,personal wealth differs slightly from using Gross Domestic Product as a measure, where the US and China make up 24% and 19% of the world economy in nominal terms, respectively.

Just 10 countries account for 75% of total household wealth.

One of the biggest changes in recent years is the rise of wealth in China. 

A decade ago, China’s citizens were estimated to hold just 9% of the world’s wealth. That figure has now more than doubled, while median wealth in the country has skyrocketed from US$3 111 to US$26 752 between 2000 and 2021.

At regional level, North America accounts for 35% of the world’s household wealth, followed by Asia with 33.8%, Europe 22.8% while Africa languishes at 0.9%.



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