Chamisa told to stop meaningless crusades

Chamisa told to stop meaningless crusades

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa was today told by one of his followers to stop his meaningless crusades because the party was losing by-elections and things were getting worse.

This was after Chamisa tweeted his last message to mark seven days of prayer which he said were a prelude to undertaking crucial and decisive action.

“DAY 7/7 FREEDOM, DELIVERANCE & RESTORATION COMING TO ZIMBABWE..And this is the confidence that we have before Him: If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we already possess what we have asked of Him,” Chamisa tweeted at 3:40 am prompting one of his followers to ask: “,,mr president do you sleep?”

Chamisa responded:  “Tozorara tozorora.Nyika yakaremerwa nevanotiremera hama.Mwari vatibatsire kuti tizvibatsire. It’s almost time!”

A follower named Ben said while Chamisa was fasting preliminary results showed that the party had lost the Lupane East Parliamentary seat as well as two council by-elections.

Boniswa Ncube added: “Have you heard about the losses in Lupane, Bubi & Nkayi? You need to stop these meaningless crusades, MDC is losing and it’s getting worse. If the fasting couldn’t get u a win in the by-elections, it won’t get u anything else. Stop playing with people.”

The MDC has lost all the by-elections held so far including in areas like Bulawayo long considered its stronghold.

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