Chamisa says “I am prosperity hungry not power hungry”

Chamisa says “I am prosperity hungry not power hungry”

Movement for Democratic Change leader Nelson Chamisa today said he is not power hungry but is hungry for prosperity.

Chamisa, who is currently on a “diplomatic offensive” to unspecified African countries, told a rally in Gweru on Sunday, that he preferred dialogue which would be presided over by an international mediator and would bring about a transitional authority where he would rule for two years and Mnangagwa for another two years.

Mnangagwa has already been in power for six months which means there is only four and a half years before the next elections.

Mnangagwa and his party have ruled out any transitional authority or government of national unity.

The MDC leader today tweeted: “ZIMBABWE THE LAND OF THE BEST…We will soon reclaim our jewel status. We will get there sooner than imagined. Only genuine DIALOGUE will save ZIMBABWE. Wherever I go across Africa, the goodwill for Zimbabwe is amazing.”

Truman ‏ responded: “Let’s be honest with the people of Zimbabwe Sir. Deep down you know the truth. Sanctions, Corruption, Incompetence are killing the sons and daughters of Zimbabwe. As long as sanctions are in place, Corruption and Incompetence are going to be justified as sanctions. #No2Sanctions.”

Chamisa said Zimbabwe’s problem was its leadership not sanctions.

“To be honest the greatest impediment to progress in Zimbabwe is its leaders. It is Zimbabwe’s leaders who mislead about the cause(s) of the problems in the country. It is leaders who must deal with the causes of all the misunderstandings with the rest of the world.”

Asked by Garikai Ngoro what his definition of genuine dialogue is, Chamisa responded:

  1. Putting Zimbabweans first ahead of the partisan interests.
  2. Thinking about the suffering people ahead of just thinking about power.
  3. Dialogue motivated by conviction not convenience.
  4. Dialogue that resolves all citizens concerns and national grievances

NewDispensation asked:

  1. So why do you put your personal intrests ahead of Zimbos.
  2. So why calling for sanctions if really you don’t Zimbos to suffer.
  3. How did you come to conclude its for convenience? whose convenience? for what?
  4. If you go to Dialogue thts where Citizens concerns are resolved

Chamisa said: “Then you don’t know interests of Zimbabweans. I am ready to help.”

Chigadzamambo brushed Chamisa off saying: “Power hungry.”

The MDC leader responded: “I’m prosperity hungry not power hungry.”



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