Chamisa says CCC task is not merely to replace ZANU-PF

Chamisa says CCC task is not merely to replace ZANU-PF

Mutsa Mu, told Chamisa: “MORNING President, YOU know u will be banned from Doing Rallies, Leadership please make Use Of Social medea to communicate,like 3 min videos we can post on watsapp,Tik  Tok and then u Do Facebook Live the messages will reach our parents in rural areas via their phones thanks!”

Bryan Jobe warned Chamisa that he was not dealing with professions.

He tweeted: “But we are dealing with Zanupf as if we are dealing with professionals

A dull man with power and guns is very dangerous. He doesn’t like intellectual challenges

Mnangagwa will not give up power even if he lost by whatever margin.”

Chamisa said Mnangagwa is going this time: “Anoenda chete! Citizens have the power. God is Almighty & Sovereign!”, but Wallie- B responded: “With all due respect my President, where are the MPs & Councillor candidates?? You can’t wait till last minute to unveil them, that’s suicidal.”

PACHEDU  said: “You are very right in your question,  but remember in CCC the candidates come from the us the Citizens and I the CHAMPION Chibaya and his teams are working on that.”

VaUnendoro said Chamisa should hold a party congress first. 

“Declare a congress let citizens elect leaders at every level mind not the cost its democracy. Set dates for primary elections at every level. You have lawyers draft a constitution for the party. Publicly denounce US sanctions it will never harm you nor your foreign policy.”

Beedzinoruma said Chamisa was no different from ZANU-PF.

“With the calibre of Mps you have that collude with Zanu to recieve USD40k bribes and with your acceptance of funds to buy a bullet proof vehicle when majority are languishing in poverty kupinda kuchanonoka kana kusatouya. Makudo ndemamwe u r in it for money not for the people.”

Musi Matimura said Chamisa must go down to the people.

“Mkoma Advicate Pastor Chamisa, the best way to speak to ordinary Zimbabweans is through your performance on the ground, and specifically the areas you control.Running highly efficient systems, top class service delivery and modern infrastructure dvpt should be the trademark of your organization. One more thing! You should develop a culture of being able to work with people whom you don’t necessarily like because what’s important is taking Zimbabwe to the next level. Individual or organisational interests cannot be prioritised over national ones.”



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