Chamisa and Khupe, the biggest losers

Chamisa and Khupe, the biggest losers

Movement for Democratic Change-Tsvangirai vice-presidents Nelson Chamisa and Thokozani Khupe, who refused to settle the leadership of the party after the death of founding president Morgan Tsvangirai amicably, have turned out to be the biggest losers, with Chamisa being worse off.

While Khupe lost dismally in the presidential elections polling on 45 573 votes against Chamisa’s 2 147 436, she has a political party to fall back to, and at 55, she has reached “early retirement” age.

Chamisa, at 40, faces more challenges. The Alliance could collapse and only remain so in name because the people that won seats into Parliament would want it to remain so, so that they can retain their seats.

But there might be squabbles over who should lead the Alliance now.

Chamisa created a lot of enemies on his rise to the top.  To make matters worse his main rivals in his own party, Douglas Mwonzora and Elias Mudzuri are now both senators.

Chamisa took a huge political gamble and when gambling one must be prepared for a big fall.

Observers say now that the results are out, even though the MDC Alliance has rejected them, “war” will soon break-out in the Alliance.

One observer said those who sponsored Chamisa and the Alliance will now want him to account for the funds.

“Mari yakadyiwa,” the observer said.

Even Morgen Komichi who stormed the stage last night when the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission was announcing results of the presidential elections may soon desert Chamisa because he too was elected Senator. So was Happymore Chidziva who urged the violence before the elections. He was elected a Member of Parliament.

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