Looting at RBZ

Board members of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe are allegedly paying themselves as much as US$2,000 a month in allowances while ordinary workers receive a paltry US$150 a month, reports…

Zimbabwe thumped Canada, West to become chair of CSD- Wikileaks

Zimbabwe thumped Canada and the West to win chairmanship of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development in May 2007. According to a cable just released by Wikileaks, Canada had vowed to lobby against Zimbabwe’s election even going to the extent to trying to persuade African countries to set aside their claim to the chair for the 16th session of the CSD.


Growth target

Economic Planning Minister Tapiwa Mashakada today said the country is targeting economic growth of 7.1 percent a year for the next five years. "We need about $9 billion to bankroll…

Biti slammed

Finance Minister Tendai Biti came under attack for his $20 million rescue of Renaissance Merchant Bank with most accusing the minister of double standards, adding that the deal was a…

A look back at murambatsvina

One Bulawayo resident describing murambatsvina, six years ago, put it this way: "Zvakaitwa nehurumende zvakafanana nababa wanoona mwana wavo akapfeka hembe dzakabvaruka, vobva vadzibvarura bvarura, vachiti nyarara mwanangu ndichakutengera sutu,…

Mugabe desperate

President Robert Mugabe tried and failed to force the regional leaders to discuss the Zimbabwean crisis and review the findings of the Troika in Livingstone, in March, a South African…