Zimplats reprieve

The government today gave Zimplats, Zimbabwe's biggest platinum producer until November 15 to come up with a revised plan on how it intends to localise its ownership. The government rejected…

Don’t lecture us

President Robert Mugabe today told visiting managing director for Africa for the European External Action Service, Nicholas Westcott that Europe should not lecture Zimbabwe on democracy. Westcott had told Mugabe…

Joice Mujuru behind Murambatsvina!

Vice- President Joyce Mujuru was behind Operation Murambatsvina, a clean-up exercise that left more than 700 000 people homeless a few months after the 2005 general elections which the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front had won by a two-thirds majority.


No Western observers

President Robert Mugabe today said he will not allow observers from Europe to monitor proposed elections as long as their nations enforced economic sanctions on Zimbabwe. Mugabe has said elections…

At risk

More than 50 foreign-owned mining firms risk losing their licences after failing to submit acceptable indigenisation and empowerment plans as directed by government, reports said today. “Up to 45 mining…

Implats threat

Indigenization minister Saviour Kasukuwere today threatened to cancel the license of South African-owned platinum mining giant Zimplats because the firm is refusing to hand over 51 per cent of its…