Bulawayo down to 298 coronavirus cases

Bulawayo down to 298 coronavirus cases

Bulawayo, which has the highest vaccination rate in Zimbabwe, is now down to 298 active coronavirus cases while the country as a whole has 11 617.

Four other provinces are under a thousand cases. Matebeleland South has 798, Harare 554, Mashonaland Central 391 and Masvingo 369.

Mashonaland East still leads with 2 830 followed by Mashonaland West with 2 335.

There were 411 new cases and 10 deaths yesterday but 922 people recovered.

The positivity rate was 6.8% while recovery rate rose to 93%.

Zimbabwe is under a Level Two national lockdown which should be reviewed next when a decision should also be announced on when schools will re-open.

More than 16 000 people were vaccinated yesterday with 6 998 getting the first jab, 7 036 the second and 2 490 the third.



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