Bulawayo coronavirus death toll rises to 32 as one more dies

Bulawayo coronavirus death toll rises to 32 as one more dies

Zimbabwe today recorded its 196th coronavirus death after one person in Bulawayo died raising the death toll in the city to 32 which is less than a third of the deaths in the capital, Harare, which is 110.

There were 18 new cases today and 13 recoveries pushing the number of active cases by four to 1 154.

There are now 6 406 cases and 5 056 recoveries.

Harare has 460 active cases followed by Matebeleland South with 190, Mashonaland West with 144 and Bulawayo with 101.

The number of active cases in Bulawayo was down to 91 on 26 August.

Globally the number of cases has risen to 25.1 million and includes just over 845 300 deaths.

There are 17.4 million recoveries and 6.8 million active cases.

The number of active cases in South Africa continues to drop and is at 71 876 though the number of cases have risen to 622 551 and deaths to 13 981.



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