Biti says: I am so ugly I don’t know why Togarepi is dreaming about me

Biti says: I am so ugly I don’t know why Togarepi is dreaming about me

HON. BITI: On a point of Order Mr. Speaker. My point of order is that the esteemed Chief Whip from the Government side, since morning, has just been after my case. So, I am wondering what is the motive. I do not know why he is dreaming about me. I am so ugly and I do not know why he is dreaming about me. The whole day it is Biti, Biti, Biti. I need protection.

THE HON. SPEAKER: Where did you meet this morning?

HON. TOGAREPI: I only mentioned Hon. Biti’s name as a person I normally joke with. I do not have any other issues with him. I just used his name as an example, as someone whom I am facing as I stand here. There are many people here in Zimbabwe who are wealthy but are not paying taxes that can contribute to the revenue. The Ministry of Finance should sit down and consider some of these measures to collect revenue to ensure that roads are rehabilitated and health centres are well furnished and resources are available. What I was saying is that we have so much wealth and for some, we know where their wealth is coming from. My question is, are these people paying taxes in line with the wealth that they have? The Minister should consider this to ensure that our country is able to get revenue.

Our economy is predominantly informal, which means our economy is more in the informal sector than in the formal sector but we realise that the Minister seems to be targeting those in the formal sector. There are more people in the informal sector who have more money than those in the formal sector. Government does not have industries and that is the only way that it can get tax. Everyone should be cultured in such a way that they contribute by way of paying tax.



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