Cotton worries

The recent increase in the producer price of cotton coupled with the fact that the Cotton Marketing Board itself has become one of the first agricultural parastatals to operate at…

Coffee farmers to lose out?

Zimbabwe is likely to lose out on a new coffee agreement arranged by Latin American and African farmers recently to by-pass existing middlemen and make supplies direct to international markets…

Consumer power works

Industry and Commerce Minister Kumbirai Kangai's rallying call to consumers to show their mettle and force prices down, has recently shown that it can work provided his ministry creates the…

Coal boom expected

Zimbabwe's coal mining industry which was boosted by the opening of the Sengwa Coal Mine could be in for a big boom if the owners can solve their financial problems…

Harare property value up

Property values in Harare have increased by between 317 percent and 721 percent in the 15 years from 1975 to 1990 according to the council's latest valuation roll. A large…

Headaches for Mahachi

Home Affairs Minister Moven Mahachi who has so much been overshadowed by his deputy Dumiso Dabengwa that there is wide speculation that he will not retain that portfolio in any…

Where does Nkomo stand?

The appointment of Stephen Nkomo as resident minister for Matebeleland South has left most people baffled. Nkomo is a deputy minister and a deputy minister can never act as a…

Ansah’s Capacity

Reports that the head of the Harare-based, World Bank-funded African Capacity Building Foundation, Jonathan Frimpong-Ansah quit just after bank president, Lewis Preston's visit to the capital has left many wondering…

Move over here comes the chef

There is no doubt that the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair is the greatest event for Bulawayo. In that one week, once every year, Bulawayo steals the limelight from Bambazonke. Business…