No rest for Boka

The saying wafa wanaka does not seem to be applying to Roger Boka, the disgraced former champion of black empowerment. Instead of respecting him and letting his soul rest in…

Mavhaire at it gain?

Masvingo Central MP, Dzikamayi Mavhaire is at it again. Debating the Parliamentary committee report on the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation during which MPs called for the dismissal of Finance Minister Herbert…

Mataz philosophy

To most people Tich Mataz may just be a popular radio and TV presenter. But he is also a serious businessman now. He is investing US$2 million into Khulumani Communications…

Dongo’s adventures

Margaret Dongo, now leader of the Zimbabwe Union of Democrats, has joined a group of "right of centre political parties" according to a report in South Africa's Business Day. And…

It’s time to reclaim our tails

The Chinese have a proverb which says “A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step”. This Working People's Convention represents the first step towards wrestling back the…

What’s in a name?

At independence, Margaret Dongo, now leader of the Zimbabwe Union of Democrats, was a comrade, in every sense. But today, she is no longer one. Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs,…