Zuma sends team to Zim

President Jacob Zuma today dispatched his negotiating team of Charles Nqakula, Mac Maharaj and Lindiwe Zulu to intervene in what Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has described as a constitutional crisis…

Diplomatic spat

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai has asked the United Nations, the European Union, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and South Africa not to recognise ambassadors to these countries or organisations because they were…

Referendum date set

Zimbabwe’s referendum on a new constitution will be on June 30 next year, reports said today.  The Constitution Select Committee, which has been carrying out an outreach programme to get…

Firing squad

Gamu Nhengu who failed to make it in the X Factor contest today claimed she would face a firing squad if she is deported to Zimbabwe. The 18-year-old singer who…

Mabhena buried

Former ZAPU secretary general and provincial governor for Matabeleland North Welshman Mabhena was buried at a private cemetery in Bulawayo today. He was declared a national hero but is reported…

MDC in a fix

The deputy chairman of the National Constitutional Assembly George Mkwananzi today said the Movement for Democratic Change is in an unenviable position in the unity government and is like a…