Zuma urges Zimbabwe to implement GPA before poll

South African President Jacob Zuma, Zimbabwe’s chief negotiator, today said Zimbabwe’s leaders must implement the Global Political Agreement in full before considering holding any national elections.  He said while there were issues that Zimbabwe’s leaders disagreed with and they had to choose whether those issues were more important than Zimbabwe or could be part of Zimbabwe and move forward. “So whatever we say about elections it cannot just be a statement without qualification because we have got to say if we were to have a free and fair elections what are the things that we need to do to prepare those conditions. We all agree that elections could take place next year, but if that is the case let’s implement what needs to be implemented so that the situation by the time we reach there is actually conducive for elections,” he said. President Robert Mugabe said the elections will be held next year because he is fed up with the “foolishness and stupidity of some of his disputes” with Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai.



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