Tsvangirai sought help from the West as late as December 2009- Wikileaks

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai last year requested Western governments to help bring about change in Zimbabwe because progress by the inclusive government had been too slow. He held a meeting with ambassadors of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, and a representative of the European Union on December 24 and told them that he needed their help because ZANU-PF was now using a strategy of reciprocity, using western sanctions as a cudgel against the MDC, according to the latest cables released by Wikileaks.


No rushed polls- Khupe

Deputy Prime Minister Thokozani Khupe today warned against rushed elections.  She said Zimbabwe's political leaders should learn from the mistakes of 2008 which resulted in disputed results that led to…

Cranswick names chefs

African Consolidated Resources chief executive officer Andrew Cranswick told United States embassy officials in Harare that high-ranking officials in Zimbabwe were looting diamonds from Chiadzwa. According to US cables released…