Britain was ready to pour one million pounds for Zimbabwe elections in 2008- Wikileaks

Britain was prepared to pour in nearly one million pounds  in support of  Zimbabwe elections soon after the controversial March  2008 general elections and was prepared to do this discreetly because the Southern African Development Community which was spearheading the negotiation process in the country was not accepting foreign contributions, one of the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks says.


Mugabe returns

President Robert Mugabe today returned from Singapore where he had gone for an eye check-up following a cataract operation there, ending speculation about his health. There had even been reports…

Britain told Tsvangirai it would not support GNU on day one – Wikileaks

Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown told Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai within hours of his being sworn in that he was “disappointed” with the power sharing negotiations and would not be sympathetic to requests for assistance until there was proof that the power sharing was truly being implemented according to one of the diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks.


EU sanctions questioned

European Union sanctions targeted at members of President Robert Mugabe’s government and senior officials of the ruling ZANU-PF appear to be a monumental joke and may be hurting the ordinary…

British aid not charity

It’s a classic case of contradictions. On Tuesday the European Union extended sanctions on Zimbabwe by one year. This was largely because of “an in-depth assessment the UK and its EU partners ha(d) unanimously agreed to”. At the same time Britain decided to increase aid to Zimbabwe to 100 million a pounds a year. The reason – this is a “reward” for improved democratic reform.