Zuma not budging

South African President Jacob Zuma who is the chief mediator in Zimbabwe has vowed to tighten the screws on President Robert Mugabe who he says should stick to the Global…

Anglo Platinum responds to Roy Bennett

Anglo Platinum which owns Unki Mine in Shurugwi, the newest entry into the lucrative platinum mining industry in Zimbabwe, says it supports the country’s indigenisation programme but does not believe that the 51 percent currently being proposed is “necessarily optimal”.


Mugabe hits back

President Robert Mugabe today said southern African leaders cannot tell him how to run his country. He was responding to the call by Southern African Development Community leaders to end…

SADC troika calls for end to violence in Zimbabwe- Full statement

The Southern African Development Community troika summit of the Organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation which met in Livingstone, Zambia, yesterday called for an immediate end to violence, intimidation, hate speech, harassment, and any other form of action that contradicts the letter and spirit of Global Political Agreement in Zimbabwe.