US officials given cold shoulder in Mujuru’s constituency

United States embassy officials deployed 11 teams to observe elections on March 29 and all reported that voting took place in a calm and orderly manner. Observer teams were generally well-received at polling stations and throughout the different constituencies, including ruling party strongholds, but they were given a cold shoulder in Mt Darwin Vice-President Joice Mujuru’s constituency.


The Joice Mujuru Wikileaks cables

Vice-President Joice Mujuru has made headlines since she was catapulted to that post in 2004 against all odds. It was considered a victory for her husband, former army commander Solomon Mujuru who was considered a kingmaker within the Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front. But though there are only 35 cables that cite her name- those few seem to have done untold damage to her prospects, moreso now that her husband is gone.


Indigenisation scares investors

Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai today said calls for indigenisation were hurting investor confidence and stalling recovery. "The warped indigenisation policy has eroded investor confidence and created a sceptical international business…

The Jethro Goko Wikileaks dossier

Zimbabweans across the globe seem to have a fascination with local journalists. There were record visits to The Insider website when we published Wikileaks cables citing the name of former journalist Sydney Masamvu two weeks ago. Today, there was a flood of visitors. We only had three cables mentioning two journalists: Andrisson Manyere and Jethro Goko.


Jabulani Sibanda Wikileaks dossier

War veterans leader Jabulani Sibanda has been one of the most controversial political upstarts from Bulawayo. He has been involved in raging battles with bigwigs like Zimbabwe African People’s Union leader and former Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front politburo member Dumiso Dabengwa, former ZANU-PF chairman and now Vice-President John Nkomo. He has been suspended so many times from the party but is now reported to be at the forefront of the ZANU-PF instigated violence in the rural areas of Masvingo and other parts of the country. But his name is only cited in two Wikileaks cables and two embassy notes also released under Wikileaks. It is not even clear whether the war veterans leader is the same Jabulani Sibanda cited in one of the cables that just contains names of people alleged to have received education allowances.