CFU grasping at straws

The Commercial Farmers Union was so divided at its 59th congress in 2002 that it was literally grasping at straws in the forlorn hope that its members could be spared by cooperating on land reform with the government.


The politics of food relief

Food relief agencies were put in a quandary in 2002 over allegations that food was being distributed along political lines with those opposed to the ruling Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front being denied food.


Mutasa Wikileaks bonanza

ZANU-PF secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa is persistently described as a hardliner in the diplomatic cables that have been released by Wikileaks. The soft-spoken politician is known to be very loyal to President Robert Mugabe. There are 90 cables that mention his name, and so far we have published 36 under his dossier. We intend to publish them all.