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Makoni can only be pushed by Mujuru

The United States embassy said way back in 2003 that former Finance Minister Simba Makoni had little political weight on his own to advance his political ambitions and could only emerge as a serious candidate if he was pushed by others like Solomon Mujuru.


ZANU-PF wins Marondera by-election

The Zimbabwe African National Union- Patriotic Front won the Marondera by-election but its candidate Ambrose Mutinhiri, a retired brigadier general and former ambassador to Yugoslavia, garnered far fewer votes than his predecessor whose death in a car accident brought about the by-election.


Mugabe gives nod to Mujuru

The appointment of Joyce Mujuru as Minister of Rural Resources and Water Development was a nod to her husband Solomon Mujuru because she had shown no interest in promoting women’s issues and was a great disappointment to women’s rights activists, according to the United States embassy.


The Solomon Mujuru Wikileaks cables

Solomon Mujuru was one of the most powerful people in Zimbabwe. He was reported to be one of the few Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leaders who could openly challenge President Robert Mugabe. He was even referred to as a kingmaker. Mujuru had also become one of the richest people in the country with businesses that span across the entire economy from mining to retail. But he died a painful death that remains shrouded in mystery. There are more than 90 cables on him. Here is the first batch.