Solomon Mujuru- the first 50 Wikileaks cables

Solomon Mujuru was one of the most powerful people in Zimbabwe. He was reported to be one of the few Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front leaders who could openly challenge President Robert Mugabe. He was even referred to as a kingmaker. Mujuru had also become one of the richest people in the country with businesses that spanned across the entire economy from mining to retail. But he died a painful death that remains shrouded in mystery. There are more than 90 cables on him. Here are the first 50.


Zvobgo Jnr and Jonathan Moyo differ on future of VP Mujuru

Eddison Zvobgo Junior believed that President Robert Mugabe could step down and allow Vice-President Joice Mujuru to stand as president in 2008 provided she could protect him from prosecution but Mugabe’s former spin doctor Jonathan Moyo thought that he was not going to step down until 2010 but might change the constitution to create the post of Prime Minister for Mujuru.


Were Mujuru and Gono allies or rivals?

The former news editor of the Financial Gazette Nelson Banya said retired army general Solomon Mujuru and his wife vice-President Joyce Mujuru felt threatened by central bank governor Gideon Gono who owned the Financial Gazette because they saw him as a possible candidate in the post-Mugabe succession race.