Tsvangirai thought he could control Mutambara

The leader of the larger faction of the Movement for Democratic Change Morgan Tsvangirai said he was concerned that the leader of the smaller faction Arthur Mutambara was playing ball with President Robert Mugabe during the negations for an inclusive government. But he thought he could control Mutambara because most of the legislators elected under Mutambara’s ticket were now loyal to his faction.


Mnangagwa- the first 100 Wikileaks cables

Emmerson Mnangagwa is one of the most feared people in Zimbabwe. Once described as the Son of God because he was believed to be the logical successor of President Robert Mugabe, his political star has been rising and falling over the past three decades. He is still considered a presidential contender and is reported to have been virtually running the country since 2008 through the joint operations command. He is reported to be unpopular within the party but he is so powerful that no one really knows how true this is. There are over 200 cables on him. Here are the first 100: