Makone arrested

Theresa Makone and her husband Ian were among the Movement for Democratic Change members arrested in what appeared to be a purge of MDC activists in March 2007. Police reportedly confiscated two guns from Makone’s home.


Makone threatened

Movement for Democratic Change candidate Theresa Makone was allegedly threatened with death for planning to run as a Member of Parliament by youths allegedly belonging to the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front in 2004.


The complete Oppah Muchinguri Wikileaks cables

Oppah Muchinguri is one of the most powerful women in the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. She was an aide to ZANLA commander Josiah Tongogara and survived the accident that killed him. Some people believe that Muchinguri is being rewarded for keeping quiet about how Tongogara really died just days before he was supposed to return to Zimbabwe with the rest of the ZANU-PF leaders and military. But even then she still remains a political power player within the party and the presidential succession battle. There are 25 Wikileaks cables on her. Here they are.


Muchinguri bounces back

Oppah Muchinguri, fired as Minister of Women’s Affairs because President Robert Mugabe could no longer accommodate those who had lost in the 2008 elections, bounced back as a member of the Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee of the inclusive government.


Muchinguri loses ministerial post at last

Oppah Muchinguri was one of the nine ministers who lost their posts, more than nine months after losing the 2008 elections, when President Robert Mugabe was forced to comply with a standing constitutional requirement that a minister should be a member of either the upper or lower house.


Britain sought NGO help to stop Zimbabwe diamond exports- Wikileaks

Britain instructed its foreign office two years ago to push the Kimberley Process to investigate Zimbabwe’s eligibility to the diamond controlling body and to approach leading non-governmental organisations Global Witness and Partnership Africa Canada to do research and report on Zimbabwe’s trafficking in conflict diamonds because the KP was too slow, a diplomatic cable released by Wikileaks says.