Poaching rampant

Poaching had become so rampant in Zimbabwe that the conservancy and hunting industry said it had lost game worth more than US $40 million since the farm and property invasions began in 2000.


Save parcelled out to entice voters

Alex Mupa, an advisor to Movement for Democratic Change candidate Boniface Pakai, told United States embassy officials in 2001 that the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front had established a new resettlement scheme in the Save Conservancy to distribute land to those promising to vote for the party in the Bikita by-election.


Save not acceptable as a white island

Proposals by the managers of the Save Conservancy to have some of the proceeds generated by tourism in the area ploughed back to the local community would still leave the conservancy a “white island” and that was not acceptable, former Foreign Minister Stan Mudenge told United States embassy officials and then US Assistant Secretary of State Susan Rice 12 years ago.


Now over 400 Wikileaks cables on Tsvangirai

The Prime Minister and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai has fought for democracy in Zimbabwe since he became secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in the 1980s. It was in that role that he was catapulted to the MDC. He has the highest number of Wikileaks cables released on Zimbabwe, more than 800. But whether it was for better or worse, only the public can decide. Here are the first 420. We are just half-way through.


Was Mt Darwin vote rigged?

The campaign manager for the Movement for Democratic Change- Mutambara candidate during the 2008 elections complained to United States embassy officials that the votes that Vice-President Joice Mujuru got for the Mt Darwin West constituency was “dubiously high” for the support that she had.


Mamabolo said Mugabe’s votes might have been undercounted

South Africa’s former ambassador to Zimbabwe Kingsley Mamabolo, who was Pretoria’s special envoy to the Great Lakes, said he believed there was some truth in President Robert Mugabe’s statements that his votes were undercounted by Zimbabwe Electoral Commission officials in the 2008 elections because some of the officials were among the many ZANU-PF members who were “jumping ship to the MDC”.