Tsvangirai asked Mwanawasa for help

Movement for Democratic change leader Morgan Tsvangirai asked Zambian President Levy Mwanawasa to convene an emergency meeting of the Southern African Development Community to discuss the security situation in Zimbabwe but Mwanawasa said he could not do so because there was a meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development the following week.


The complete Save Conservancy Wikileaks cables

Debate about how Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front bigwigs from Masvingo are trying to cash in on the Save Valley Conservancy is not new but European countries are threatening to withhold aid over the issue. The debate about the Save Conservancy, the biggest private conservancy on the continent, has been going on for more than a decade. Like anything else, it is a fight for wealth, immense wealth. Here the Insider tries to bring the subject into perspective through what was written by the United States embassy in Harare up to 2010. There are 26 Wikileaks cables on the Save Valley Conservancy. Here they are:


Did Lesotho snub Tsvangirai?

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai and his delegation had to meet with Lesotho’s Deputy Prime Minister Archibald Lehohla after Prime Minister Pakalita Mosisili fell ill before the meeting raising questions as to whether the Lesotho leader was trying to avoid Tsvangirai.