Tsvangirai refused to sign MOU unless AU mediator was present

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai refused to sign a Memorandum of Agreement that had been reached by his party, the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front and South African mediators establishing a framework for negotiations between the two MDC factions and ZANU-PF unless an African Union mediator was present with South African President Thabo Mbeki in the negotiations.


Now over 500 Wikileaks cables on Tsvangirai alone

The Prime Minister and Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai has fought for democracy in Zimbabwe since he became secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions in the 1980s. It was in that role that he was catapulted to the MDC. He has the highest number of Wikileaks cables released on Zimbabwe, more than 800. But whether it was for better or worse, only the public can decide. Here are the first 504. We have 300 more to go and will publish them all before we move on to complete those on President Robert Mugabe who has the second highest.


The Jenni Williams Wikileaks cables

Jenni Williams has made more headlines in and outside Zimbabwe than any other woman in Zimbabwe. This has mostly been about her being arrested during one demonstration or another. The British newspaper, The Guardian, described her in 2009 as “one of the most troublesome thorns in Mugabe’s side”. Williams is now more known for her role as the director of Women of Zimbabwe Arise (WOZA). There is very little talk about her role as the spokesperson for the Commercial Farmers Union or its more radical offspring Justice for Agriculture. Even the United States embassy seems to have started focussing on her when she formed WOZA rather than when she was representing the CFU or JAG. Here are cables about her published so far.