Acting Zimbabwe President urges people to wear masks as coronavirus ravages the country

Acting Zimbabwe President urges people to wear masks as coronavirus ravages the country

Zimbabwe’s Acting President Kembo Mohadi on Sunday urged citizens to observe COVID-19 regulations such as wearing of face masks to enable the country to win the fight against the second wave of the pandemic.

Addressing journalists, Acting President Mohadi said it was worrying that the majority of Zimbabweans do not wear face masks in public yet it was one of the preventative actions against Covid-19.

“Regrettably, our people and communities do not take the wearing of masks seriously. We therefore urge all leaders to take an active role in enforcing the proper wearing of masks. The virus needs to be fought by all of us.

“I therefore appeal to you fellow Zimbabweans that whilst scientists the world over are working on coming up with vaccines, it remains important that we adhere to regulations as stipulated. We appeal to religious organizations, traditional leadership, business and corporates, civil leadership and households to take the Covid-19 scourge as our own fight,” he said.

Zimbabwe yesterday announced a hard lockdown for the next 30 days meant to stop the sporadic spread of the lethal COVID-19 pandemic.

This came as Zimbabwe recorded at least 1 392 COVID-19 infections resulting in 29 deaths in a week- the highest since the onset of the pandemic on 20 March 2020.

Mohadi said the new infections could be linked to returning citizens who are entering the country on fake negative COVID-19 certificates.

“Furthermore, presentation of unauthentic COVID-19 certificates by some of our citizens has exposed many unassuming people to the disease. Such dishonesty is criminal and detrimental to the very fabric of society and far removed from Unhu/ Ubuntu.

“This has contributed to a surge in the infections we are talking about, “ he said.

Zimbabwe has seen Covid19 cases nearly double from 8 374 cases on 1 November 2020 to 14 191 to date.

Mohadi said adherence to Covid-19 protocols would see the local infections reduced.

He however dismissed reports that Zimbabwe was overwhelmed with COVID-19 cases to the extent of running out of hospital beds and ventilators at designated centers.

“We have provided enough at hospitals,” he said.- New Ziana



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