Chamisa says focus on me not Tshabangu

Chamisa says focus on me not Tshabangu

Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa says people should focus on him and not on self-proclaimed interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu who has caused chaos within the party by recalling legislators elected in August.

This was after the CCC leader had said: “HATE is not politics. DIFFERENCE is.  ENMITY is not politics. FAIR COMPETITION is. Blessed Monday!”
One of his X followers asked: “Todii naTshabangu?”

Chamisa responded: “FOCUS on the Chef who is cooking the meal …not the waiter who is merely serving it. We focus on the owner of the restaurant!”

When told that he should stop fooling himself and accept reality, Chamisa said: “The reality is that we will lead Zimbabwe to stardom. No amount of manipulation or delay can stop a moment whose time has come!!”

Another follower replied: “Chamisa , we still have ma screenshots. you promised us that you will remove Zanu PF and ED before 2023. we are only left with 48 days kuti gore ripere. i hope you keep your words , otherwise we will never believe you again”



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